It's AFL Grand Final day here in Australia, and everyone seems to be watching. From those five douches from school with rats tails and faux hawks, to Uncle Barry sporting his blue wife-beater and can of VB, to Nanna in her Collingwood guernsey, scarf, and beanie. People from all walks of life seem to come together in the name of the game. Or do they? Is sport really as much of community strengthener as we are lead to believe?
People often fight over sports results, umpire's decisions etc. One only has to look at the United Kingdom to see how team sports can have an adverse affect a society. It seems to be a modern adaption to our ancient, tribal urges to support and fight for your tribe. People sit on the sidelines in the stadium, drinking, screaming obscenities etc. We have all seen how people act while watching football on the television as well. Somehow these people have the misconception that "the little people inside the television can hear what I yell at them."
If anything team sports strengthens segregation between states and areas within a state. Supporters of one team often befriend those who support the same team. When someone who passionately supports team A meets someone who passionately supports team B, there is an instant negative connection between the two. Especially if they just so happen to meet at a game between their respective teams.
So why do you ask, do people support any teams if they are such a bane to society? Well I went ahead and asked some fervid football followers exactly why they support their respective teams.
M1ND Why do you support Collingwood?
M1ND Why do you support Geelong?
As you can see, no one seems to have a truly objective reason to be showing support for what team they do. I'm sure it relates back to my previous statement regarding tribal tendencies. So don't waste your time on team sports. Support and follow things that matter like government legislation and government policies, things that actually have an affect on you, your family, and your friends.